Five Career Goals to Set for the New Business Year

Most of us make New Year’s resolutions that are personal like improving financial wellness, getting organized at home, or exercising more (ok, that one might seem like an annual resolution, but this is the year). Well, the new year is here and now is the perfect time to take stock of your career and set some professional resolutions as well! Setting well-defined and achievable objectives can help you reach new levels of success and growth in your career. These suggested resolutions are broad, so it’s important to pay attention to the details and tailor them to your situation when you’re making your own list. A good approach is to make sure you’re creating SMART goals – that is, goals that are:

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Infographic: 5 Financial Resolutions for the New Year

Having New Year’s resolutions centered around finances is very common, and for good reason. There are few aspects of life that financial wellness doesn’t affect, so prioritizing your financial health is a great place to start your new year. This infographic touches on five financial resolutions to set you on the path to financial wellness for 2024:

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What to Buy and What to Skip in January

What’s your January shopping style – all shopped out, or ready to hit the mall again as soon as the last guest leaves? January begins with a bang, but there are no major shopping holidays once the new year gets going. That may come as a relief, especially if you were extra generous this year and splurged a bit during the holidays, but you can still pick up great bargains this month if your shopping stamina is still going strong.

If you feel like you’re always missing out on the best deals while your friends constantly boast about the rock-bottom prices they’ve paid, we can help! We’ve researched the ebbs and flows of retail throughout the year to identify which items you should have on your list for the first month of the year. Here’s what to buy and what to skip in January.

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3 Common Money Mistakes People Make

Everyone wants to manage their money responsibly, but many people often make mistakes in the ways they handle money – without even realizing it. They may have fallen into a bad habit they can’t shake off, or they may be misinformed or less educated in a certain area. The good news is harmful behaviors can always be unlearned and changed. Let’s explore three common money mistakes and review practical solutions for overcoming them.

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Building Financial Resilience: Strategies for Overcoming Financial Stress

In today's fast-paced world, we find ourselves juggling multiple responsibilities, facing unique financial challenges, and grappling with the relentless pressure to cover day-to-day expenses while also saving money. As life's expenses continue to rise, maintaining financial stability becomes increasingly daunting. However, despite the inherent hurdles, it is entirely possible to overcome financial stress and lead a financially secure life. Let's explore key strategies for building financial resilience and reducing financial stress.

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A Young Adult’s Guide to Banking on Your Own

Many of us begin our financial journey with an account linked to our parent or guardian’s checking account so that they can teach us lessons and keep an eye on our spending. But sooner or later, the time comes for everyone to step out on their own and start their personal financial journey. While this is an exciting and empowering moment, it can also be daunting – there’s a lot to know, a lot to learn, and many potential pitfalls along the way. Don’t worry, USALLIANCE is here to help! This guide to banking on your own will give you some great tips and advice to build a strong foundation for financial independence.

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Mastering Your Finances: A Guide to Managing Cash Flow

Financial stability is a critical aspect of life, and it has arguably never been more important – or more difficult to attain – than today. Managing cash flow and building a robust personal portfolio are key factors that contribute to long-term financial success. In this guide, we will explore practical strategies and essential tips to help you take control of your finances and make informed decisions about your personal portfolio. Whether you're a recent graduate just beginning your financial journey or you’re simply looking for to improve your financial outlook, these insights will empower you to create a strong financial foundation for your future.

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7 Back-to-School Shopping Hacks

It’s back-to-school season, and that means you probably have a list of stuff a mile long to buy. The good news is that you don’t need to break the budget during the second-biggest shopping season of the year. There are lots of ways to save, and if you plan your shopping well in advance instead of frantically rushing to get everything done at the last minute, you can save a lot of money. Below, we’ve compiled seven back-to-school shopping hacks to get you started!

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Managing Your Cash Flow

You’ve heard it from a million places: “Budget your money! Make a firm plan and stick with it. It’s the pathway to prosperity!”

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7 Simple Steps to Start Saving

Everyone knows how important it is to put money into savings regularly, but research shows that many Americans have no emergency savings at all.

If you're ready to start saving but don't know where to begin, USALLIANCE is here to help! Here are seven simple steps that can get you on the fast track to building your savings today:

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