Infographic: Financial Glossary for Kids

Previously, we shared a Financial Glossary infographic that focused on a wide range of financial terms that members are likely to come across in their lives. It’s an essential building block of financial education to know and understand these terms. It opens more options and gives members more control over their finances. Many of these terms are a bit too advanced for kids, however, and providing early financial education to children can go a long way to preparing them for a financially successful future. That’s why we’ve created another Financial Glossary for Kids, so that parents can help walk them through some basics and begin teaching their children about how to handle money.

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6 Ways to Tell if a Website is Safe

In today's world, where many people spend hours of each day browsing the Internet, staying safe online is paramount. The web is rife with scammers employing sophisticated tactics to get at your money and information. Scammers will sometimes set up fake websites purporting to sell legitimate products, but all they will do is steal your information and the product will never arrive. Another common tactic of criminals online is to spoof websites – creating a nearly identical version of a website that users know which tricks users into interacting with the website as they normally would. Accessing these and other kinds of scam websites can leave you open to having your information stolen or malware downloaded onto your device. Fortunately, there are clear warning signs you can watch out for to help stay safe while you surf the web. Here are six ways to tell if a website is safe:

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Infographic: How Much Do Americans Spend on Summer?

Summertime is almost here, and that means school is out, so is the sun, and it’s time for some fun! Whether you’ve got a vacation coming up that you’ve been waiting all winter for or you’re just planning to go to a few ballgames or concerts, you need to budget for those expenses. Summer vacations and entertainment is a ton of fun, but it won’t be so fun come the fall if you’ve exceeded your budget and put yourself under financial stress. Download this full infographic to learn about the average costs of some popular summer expenses including vacations, travel, lodging, food, and entertainment so that you can budget accordingly and maximize your fun this summer!

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What Kind of Home Improvement Projects Will Add Value to My Home?

 There are many reasons to start a home improvement project. You might have some outdated plumbing you need to take care of, or an addition to the family you need more room for, or maybe you’ve had your eye on a particular part of the house since you bought it and you can finally take on the project. Whatever the reason for your home improvement project in the here and now, you should also consider the future. Many home improvement projects can help boost the value of your home when it comes time to sell – often times you can recoup at least part of the cost of the project or even exceed it.

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Infographic: Financial Glossary

One of the most fundamental and important parts of financial education is learning the language that is commonly used in the financial world. It can be overwhelming to discuss or even think about and research finances on your own without having a basic grasp of the terms that you will come across. Without knowing what APR is, you can’t make an informed decision on which credit card would be the best fit for you. Without knowing what a Certificate of Deposit, or share certificate, is you can’t know all the possible options you have for growing your savings.

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I’m Struggling Financially – Do I Still Need to Save?

For many individuals grappling with financial challenges, the idea of saving money can seem like an unattainable luxury. Especially if your struggles are such that you sometimes find yourself running out of money before the end of the month or making difficult choices in the last week before your next paycheck. However, neglecting your savings when the going gets tough can make things even more difficult down the line. In this article, we will go over why it’s important to continue saving when the going gets tough and discuss some practical ways that you can make it happen.

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Infographic: 4 Types of Spoofing

One of the types of fraud that financial institutions have been dealing with increasingly is spoofing. What is spoofing? It’s a type of scam where the criminal tries to trick their victim into believing that they are interacting with a source they know and trust. By doing so, they can con their victim into giving away sensitive information that leaves them exposed to further attacks. There are a number of different ways that scammers will attempt spoofing. In this infographic, we will review four types of spoofing: email spoofing, caller ID spoofing, website spoofing, and text message spoofing. Download the full infographic to learn what each type of spoofing is, the dangers of it, and how you can protect yourself.

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5 Ways to Spring Clean Your Savings

It’s springtime again, and that means spring cleaning: time to clean out those closets, polish that furniture, and clear out that clutter! Spring cleaning doesn’t have to just be limited to scrubbing the house, though. Spring is also the perfect time of year to review your saving habits and spruce up your saving goals. It’s important to set aside time each year to review your savings plans and goals, even if on the surface everything seems to be going well. During each year, things change that can impact our finances – increased cost of items you buy regularly, a change in job or salary, paying off a loan, all of these situations and more can change the amount you’re saving or are able to save. If it’s been a while since you’ve given your savings a good, hard look, then start this spring and make it an annual habit!

Not sure how to get started? Here’s how to spring-clean your savings in five easy steps.

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Infographic: 6 Ways to Save on Pet Costs

For many of us, our pets are one of the most important things in our lives. Nothing melts away the stress of a tough day at work quite like the unconditional love of a pet. However, many feel caught between a rock and a hard place when it comes to giving their pets everything they need. On the one hand, they're so adorable and loving, how could you ever refuse them anything? On the other hand, pet supplies can get very expensive, very quickly. We are here to help you get the best of both worlds - read our breakdown below and download the full infographic to discover six ways that you can save on pet costs without depriving your little friend of the things they need.

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Practical Budgeting Made Easy

We all know that budgeting is important. A budget helps build financial stability by keeping spending in check and ensuring you don’t live beyond your means. However, many people do not keep a budget. Some think they don’t need a budget, while others know that they do but are afraid to dive in because it can seem like an intimidating, complex process. With the right tools and information, building a budget can be quick and easy. Here’s how to create a simple and practical budget for the time-strapped consumer.

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