Your Stress-Free Summer Vacation Checklist

You step off the plane ready to relax on your summer vacation when all of a sudden, your heart is pounding. You’re feeling a bit dizzy like the world is closing in around you. Sweat forms on your forehead as you struggle to remember. Did I turn off the stove before we left???

Yes, it’s almost time once again for that American classic – the summer vacation. 45% of Americans take a summer vacation, and we bet a sizable number of those vacationers will procrastinate their trip prep until the last possible second.  Are you one of them?

To avoid PTA (Pre-Trip Anxiety), here’s a checklist to help you truly leave your cares behind and enjoy your time off to the fullest.

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Summer Job Interview Tips for Teens

The lazy, hazy crazy days of summer will soon be upon us. But for many hardworking teens, the summer of 2019 may prove to be more crazy than lazy. Economic growth combined with a labor shortage has created a bubble of opportunity. The summer job market is looking to be the most promising in years. But before your future enterpriser can punch that time clock, there is one last bridge to cross. The interview.
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7 Banking Tips for College Grads

Once you start receiving your first paychecks after graduation, knowing how to spend or save your money wisely can be tough. While you may be able to do your banking with just a few taps on your phone, managing money well is much more complicated. Here are a few tips to help you get started.

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6 Tips for Managing Finances After College Graduation

College graduation marks the end of one chapter and the beginning of another. No more shoebox-size dorm rooms, awful part-time jobs, or begging your parents for money (hopefully). Now it’s time for your first full-time job and big-time paycheck.

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Is My Teen Ready for a Credit Card?

 What's the one thing you wish you had known before opening your first credit card? It’s likely you're thinking you wish you better understood the way credit works before applying.

Introducing your teen to responsible credit habits now will only benefit them as they reach adulthood . In general, most teens understand that a credit card isn’t free money, but do they understand the true cost of debt? Do they know how and when interest is charged ? Can they grasp the concept that a poor credit score will impact future financial wellness and purchases like a new car, or a house?

Ask yourself these five questions to determine which USALLIANCE credit card is  right for you. ➤If you answered yes to any or all of those questions, congratulations! Your teen just might be ready for the responsibility of a credit card. If you're not so sure, start the discussion about responsible credit today.
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Homebuying 101: Mortgages

For the average American, paying for a home – up-front, in cash – is just not in their financial wheelhouse. Does this mean you are doomed to live in your car, rent forever, or move back home with your parents? 

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3 Easy Steps to Spring Clean Your Finances

Spring is here and it’s time for spring cleaning! While you’re decluttering the garage and organizing the basement, don’t forget to give your financial house a good cleaning as well. These 3 easy steps will have your finances spic and span in no time.

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Tips for Teaching Your Kids to Save

Your kids are learning subjects like reading, science, and mathematics in school- but are they learning good financial behavior?

A few simple activities can teach your children about budgeting and saving.

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