For many of us, our pets are one of the most important things in our lives. Nothing melts away the stress of a tough day at work quite like the unconditional love of a pet. However, many feel caught between a rock and a hard place when it comes to giving their pets everything they need. On the one hand, they're so adorable and loving, how could you ever refuse them anything? On the other hand, pet supplies can get very expensive, very quickly. We are here to help you get the best of both worlds - read our breakdown below and download the full infographic to discover six ways that you can save on pet costs without depriving your little friend of the things they need.

Shop around for pet food
Don’t assume that feeding your furry friend has to cost a fortune. Many pet owners just accept the cost and overpay consistently without thinking about it. That doesn’t mean that you should feed your pet the cheapest, lowest quality food you can find – high-quality food can actually prevent medical issues later on. However, you can find discounts on even the best pet foods around with some effort. Shop around for pet food to compare prices between different locations so you can find the best deal. Additionally, you can search for coupons that will bring the costs down even more. If you get your pet food online, some delivery subscription services will offer monthly discounts too.

Create your own pet beds and furniture
Specialized pet beds and furniture can cost a shocking amount, but they also aren’t overly complicated to make yourself! Instead of blowing big bucks on beds and furniture for your pet, make our own with easy DIY projects. You’ll save money, and you might even have so much fun doing it, you discover a new hobby. And won’t it make you feel a little extra special to watch your pet curl up on something you made for them?
Shareholders own banks. They buy stock in the bank and expect make a profit on their investment through the fees and rates customers pay.

Compare pet insurance plans
Don’t settle on a pet insurance plan without comparing. Consider premiums, copays, payment caps and deductibles. Then, find out if the following costs are covered: physical exams, pre-existing issues, vet and animal hospital visits and prescription drugs. Take into consideration if your pet is generally healthy or has any preexisting conditions your pet. It’s different for every pet and owner, but pet insurance may or may not be worth it in the long run.

Keep your pet fit
The least expensive way to treat medical issues with your pet is to prevent them from occurring in the first place. Make sure your pet gets plenty of exercise, eats well, and takes any necessary daily medications. One way to think about these things is like they are a form of proactive medical care. It’s cheaper to keep a healthier pet than to pay for medical issues, and both you and your pet will enjoy it more.

Handle grooming yourself
Basic grooming sessions can already pose a significant cost, haircuts can cost even more, and for any specialty grooming, the price can quickly go haywire. There are lots of ways to handle grooming yourself and save on these costs. Enjoy ongoing savings by investing in a grooming kit for your pet instead of shelling out money for an overpriced groomer. There are also a lot of great YouTube videos where you can learn grooming tips like how to trim your dog’s nails.

Make your own pet treats
Making your own pet treats is another way to save by going the DIY route. Not only will this help save on expensive treats in stores, it might be better for your pet’s health as well. Many of the most popular brand-name pet treats have preservatives, by-products, and cheap fillers in them that cause many pet owners to avoid them altogether. You might consider this one a double savings – less cost on treats now, potentially less costs on medical issues later.
